Many many people have requested I make another video on whistle tones, so here is the best exercise to sing whistle notes! This video shows how to use vocal fry and relaxation techniques can help you learn how to sing whistle notes. If you don’t know how to use vocal fry, watch my tutorial on it by clicking here: Vocal Fry/Subharmonics Tutorial. There is nothing out there anything like this, so please enjoy and share my video! Or any of my videos, for that matter… As always, questions are welcome and encouraged.
Category: Singing
Is It True? Can Anyone Learn To Sing?
Hello all!
If you are wondering if anyone can learn to sing, let me show you that it is true that anyone can!
My name is Jonathan Kondor, and singing is one of my strongest passions. These days, I sing all the time. At home, at the store, out with friends, to my girlfriend, in public, and pretty much anywhere you can think of. It hasn’t always been like this, though, and in fact this is a fairly new development… Allow me to tell you a quick tale about my voice through the years, and how I first decided to learn how to sing.
When I was 8, I started a small juggling stage show with my brother Caleb. At that time, my voice was incredibly weak, and it made stage work really difficult for me. As the show became more popular and I grew older, around 12, I got some semi-professional help to improve the power of my voice. Yeah, it cracked like crazy, but that never mattered to me as it made some really funny moments on stage. The need was to be heard, and that I was. In high school, I joined drama, and at some point I determined to be in a musical. This was the painful part… While I had a quarter-decent voice within my speaking range, my higher singing voice was the equivalent of a dying mutant cow. My theater teacher loved me and was willing to work with my limited range, but I ended up leaving the play for personal reasons. I stopped pursuing vocals for quite some time until…
It was the next summer that I found my inspiration. Pentatonix. I watched their YouTube videos, listened to their mp3’s, and ended up buying a pair of high quality headphones to truly enjoy the strength of their voices. I wanted their voices. I needed, down in my soul, to have every aspect of each of their voices. The grit, the purity, the clean powerful highs, the rumbling lows, and the tight rhythm… I wanted it all. I started getting aggravated that I couldn’t sing along with any of their songs, and I finally determined to DO something about it. I looked up tutorial after tutorial on YouTube, joined the school choir, paid for some courses, and practiced and practiced and practiced. I’ve gone through all the best material out there, and I’ve even come up with a bunch of my own unique exercises to stretch my range into places its never been before.
In my various learnings, I found that one’s voice is a finely tuned instrument that you must learn to play. My learning curve exploded because of my raw determination, and I found cool little vocal improvements almost every day. It wasn’t long before people started noticing the success I was getting, and my confidence sky rocketed. It felt great to know that I no longer sounded like a vomiting mountain lion, and the best part was when people actually started requesting me to sing!
Today, I can sing just about anything once I’m warmed up, but of course, as a musician, there is always room for improvement. I’ve also helped many of my friends improve their voices, and maybe one day I’ll make my own singing program (as I’m told that I’m also a great teacher), but I wouldn’t exactly call myself a “vocal coach”, especially since that term has become diluted throughout the years by a bunch of people who can’t sing… It is indeed my experience that anyone can learn to sing, though, and if you too are determined to get the same success I have seen, follow along with me here, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and like my Facebook page!
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I encourage all to share any of my pages on social media sites, so please, feel free to do so!
Here are my top 5 posts; check them out!
How to Sing Bass Like An Oktavist!
Here I explain the quickest way to sing bass in the vocal fry (or subharmonic) register. I’ve been able to do this for a while, but I never thought of a way to teach it until recently. Also, the octave drop technique comes from David Larson. If you haven’t seen YouTube his channel, check it out, as he has AMAZING control over this register!
Simply How To Sing Higher
This is the age old goal of almost every singer out there. We all seem to want to learn how to sing higher, but there’s seriously so much conflicting information out there that it can be really difficult to find the right techniques to practice. I know that in finding my own voice, I watched a lot of tutorials on YouTube and tried some things that absolutely demolished my voice for a few days. Hopefully you can skip that part of the learning curve. So, singing higher…
What you DON’T want to do. You do not want to blast your vocal cords up and up and up with the hopes that your voice will get higher. You do not want to “give it more support” by pushing harder and funneling tons of air past your cords. You do not want to scream to warm up your voice to sing higher. Basically, you don’t want to strain your voice with the theory of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. That’s the fast track to scarring your vocal tissue and developing vocal nodes…
What you DO want to do is learn how to blend your registers and sing through your passaggi (plural for passaggio, a small passage from one register to the next. I use this term interchangeably with “bridges”). Learn how to manipulate your voice along the hard-to-sing areas between registers and fill in the cracks in your vocal range. The first thing you’ll need to do here is learn the differences between each register and find them all within your own voice. I’ll post a YouTube video or two on this tomorrow for you… But the general 5 registers are as follows: vocal fry (aka subharmonics), chest voice, head voice, falsetto, and whistle tones. Between each of these registers is a passaggio, and before you learn to blend each register, your voice will crack in each of these areas. After you find your registers, you can begin to practice GENTLY blending them with various exercises, such as lip rolls, tongue rolls, sirens, scales, etc. I will make videos on these exercises at some point, as text explanations won’t be effective… Finally, after you learn how to blend registers, you can find songs within your passaggio(s) to learn. Instead of jumping right into singing a given song with words, practice holding out the notes to be sung, and sing them on any given vowel sound. This will help isolate your vocal cords from the other muscles in your neck and encourage a more relaxed tone when you go to sing the words.
Hope this helps! As always, feel free to ask me any of your vocal questions. 🙂
Learn To Sing Whistle Tones!
I had a breakthrough yesterday on singing whistle tones; notes like Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande can sing! I know I bumble a lot in the video, but like I repeat in the video, I got really excited. At some point I might do an actual singing tutorial on how to sing whistle tones and how to work your voice up to it. We’ll see. 😀